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Picos de Europa Traverse

Thursday 6th September 2018

Poncebos to Vega de Urriellu


As posted in the KE notes, the walk from Poncebos to El Naranjo de Bulnes and the Refugio Urriellu starts with a 2-hour ascent of 400 meters via the Canal de Tejo to Bulnes, a medieval village that was only accessible on foot until a funicular railway was built in 2001. The whole ascent to El Naranjo de Bulnes is listed as 2,070 meters. With the weather being what it was and not wishing to completely wipe ourselves out with a 2,000 m climb, seven of us decided to take the 10-00 hrs funicular, the first of the day, and to meet the rest of the group at the cafe by the bridge in Bulnes. At a cost of 17.61 euro per person, this is well worth while to save 400 meters of climbing on a long day


Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
9.8(*) 5H08 ~1,315 61 700 2,015



(*) Garmin figures were adjusted as satellite signal not obtainable until a kilometer into the walk  

Misty in the morning as we left the hotel

Reminiscent of Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) in China!

First on the 10 a.m. funicular

"Funicular Escapees".... Emmet, Clair, Nick and Mike

Stuart and Lisa

Stuart, Lisa and Michael.... the general consensus.... glad that we are not walking up to Bulnes!


Carriage on front of funicular for carrying items and supplies up to Bulnes

Heading for the coffee shop next to the bridge in Bulnes


The beer delivery man


Clair, Emmet, Mike and Lisa

La Casa del Puente

Construction team hits the village

Health & Safety? The driver does not realise what a risk he is taking with the huge weight
of the timber being supported on a frail roof support!

The others arrive after the walk up the Canal de Tejo


Stuart, Julian and Mike

Raingear back on and ready for the hike to Refugio de Terenosa, our lunch stop

Yolanda leads the way


It was really humid for the first hour or so as we followed a path through walnut, linden and
hazelnut trees to emerge in the high pastures dotted with shepherd's cabins.


Open pastures at last

Time for a break and to take off raingear

Still damp and misty as we stopped for lunch at Refugio La Terenosa


The final third of the day's hike, the push up the steeper sections to Urriellu



Andrew and Nick




The last few steps to the refugio at 1,960m

The huge rock Naranjo de Bulnes towering above the refuge

Having a beer on arrival

The sleeping accommodation. Duvets provided but no ventilation in the small room for 24 people

The dining area

Great pasta starter. I had three helpings of this!!!



Main course.... pork and potatoes